Our little man turned 3 today. He would say he is a "men" ( "we're mens, right Daddy?") and then break into the men's song (men, men, men). The last 3 years have just flown by. Gabe isn't a baby anymore and he isn't even the baby in the house anymore.
As he turns 3 Gabe appears to have found a new source of energy, one with a limitless supply. This energy, bordering on hyper, is exhausting mom and dad but there is only one word to describe our boy and that is...FUN! From the time he gets up in the morning until his last words in the evening, Gabe is hilarious.
Here are some of the other things we LOVE about Gabe:
* His vocabulary... spend a little time with him and Gabe will at some point certainly inform you about your "options."
* His singing...Gabe has a song for everything. One day while having lunch Gabe started to tell me how Ellie whines and cries and chews on his toys (this is only partially true). He then immediately broke into the chorus of a song called "Bad Babies," which goes like this "bad bad babies they whine and they cry, bad bad babies we don't know why."
* The way he calls anything he doesn't know the name for, thingydoodle.
* His storytelling. Gabe has an amazing imagination. One evening at dinner he told us a 20 minute story about the farm that was pictured on our gallon of milk.
* How loving he is. Gabe is the first to say I love you to Mom, Dad, Abby or Ellie. He is quick with hugs and kisses for the whole family. This is a conversation that occurred recently at lunch:
Gabe: I love you Momma.
Mom: I love you more Gabe.
Gabe: I love you more than cheese Momma. (This is indeed high praise, Gabe really
loves cheese).
Some pictures of Gabe at just a few weeks old. It is hard to believe he was ever that tiny.
Some pictures of Gabe today enjoying his birthday. Wow - has he grown!
Happy Birthday Gabe! We Love YOU!
What beautiful pictures Julie! Happy Birthday Gabe!