Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Where have you been...

I am sure you are all wondering where we have been since September since that is the last post I made to this blog. I did of course have the best of intentions of keeping up with this blog however due to circumstances beyond my control I have been unable to update our blog. It truly is a harrowing tale. Read on if you have a strong stomach.
Phil and I were taken hostage by three ruthless outlaws. Though they possessed no traditional weapons, they used their cute antics and adorable faces to lure us into their lair. Once inside their lair, the three outlaws managed to suck out all of our time and energy so that at the end of each day we are too weak to even contact the outside world for help. I am only able to send this message now with the aid of diet coke mixed with an energy drink.
The eldest and ring leader of the outlaw gang has kept us running with gymnastics, homework, science fair projects, piano lessons and more. Clearly she subscribes to the theory that exhausted parents tell no tales. She has been enjoying the first grade and is doing very well in school. She does enjoy playing with the younger members of the gang, however, her leadership skills still leave a little to be desired and we have to be vigilant to make sure she doesn't lead the younger members over a cliff or down the white rabbit's hole.
The second in command of the outlaw gang has more of a tendency toward violence and wields weapons of every kind; light sabers, swords and various shooters. He keeps our minds weak by constantly asking, WHY? He loves his school and is already learning Spanish. He is very sponge like and sucks up and regurgitates copious amounts of information every day. His constant jabbering makes our ears tired and keeps us off guard.
The final member of the gang is the most demanding. She keeps us close to her by putting herself in peril every 5 to 10 minutes. She is fearless and careless, a dangerous combination even for an outlaw. She hasn't broken any bones yet but that is not for a lack of trying. She is very opinionated and has enough words to share those opinions freely. She appears to love the other outlaws and keeps them wrapped tightly around her little finger by playing the "I'm so cute card."
I am including some recent pictures of the outlaws so you know who to suspect if anything happens to us. If you see these outlaws in your neighborhood do not make eye contact. If they get the opportunity to smile at you or say anything it will already be too late for you. You will be sucked in and drained of all energy and coherent thought. For now know that we are ALIVE, captive and tired but alive. I will try to write again soon.

The intimidating stares of the oldest two outlaws used to keep us submissive and quiet.

An example of the "I'm so cute tactic" used to tug at our heartstrings and keep us from attempting an escape.

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