I think we are finally over the jet lag. Woo Hoo! Ellie slept last night from 9:30 p.m. until 4:30 a.m. At 4:30 she was only up for 45 minutes took a bottle and went back to sleep until 8:30. We slept through the alarm and were awakened by Abby at 8:00! It was a mad dash to get everyone fed and Abby to school on time but we did it and we were grateful for the extra sleep.
Ellie is settling into the family so nicely. I have heard and read of so many struggles with attachment in adoption that I keep waiting for something bad to happen but each day gets better and better. Ellie takes bottles easily for us now (though she still won't look at Phil when she takes her bottle at least she drinks all her milk). When we first came home she would arch her back and scream when we tried to put her to sleep. I just put her down for her morning nap and she just snuggled in my arms and drifted off to sleep without any fighting or crying. We feel so blessed that she has such an easy going disposition.
Abby and Gabe have been struggling a little bit with all the changes. There is no outright hostility toward Ellie or anyone else but there are more temper tantrums and tears. They are both really sensitive and a small injury that wouldn't have phased them two weeks ago is now a terrible tragedy. We are working hard to find some individual time for each of them each day (no easy task). I know in the long run their lives will be richer and fuller for having another sibling but it is hard to see them struggling now. In a month it will be as if Ellie were always here. Gabe is already rewriting history in his story telling to include Ellie in things we did before she came.
Ellie's newest trick is getting from laying to sitting on her own. She is very proud of herself when she does it and looks to us for praise. She gets herself in some pretty funny positions and she appears to be incredibly flexible. Perhaps she will be a gymnast. This is usually the last developmental milestone before crawling so our house will get even busier soon.

Almost there...

Look at me sit up. I am so proud!

Ellie has also become an avid reader of any book containing pictures of babies.