Thursday turned out to be a beautiful day. It was much too beautiful for cooking or eating in so we met our friends Jeff and Polly and their three kids at a local barbecue place to eat outside. After dinner we walked to a nearby park and had a great time letting the kiddos run off some energy. We had been stuck inside the two days before because of the rain so we were all VERY happy to be out. Here are some pictures of the fun.
He is SO cool, he is even a chick magnet. Here he is giving Gina a lift in his side car.
Abby and Eric monkeying around.
Gina following after Abby and Eric.
Ellie has no fear. She prefers to fly with her arms open wide.
Ellie LOVES swinging!
The four big kids looking in Silver Lake. And yes we were worried that one would topple in head first. The water is not deep but it is gross!
I love that last photo :)