Today was a busy day for the Germann Household. First we had muffins. Gabe and I headed off to his daycare for "Moms and Muffins" in celebration of Mother's Day. It was nice to have breakfast with him one on one and spend a little time playing in his room. He will continue to attend this daycare all of next week and probably part of the following week to allow Ellie a little more adjustment and bonding time. After that he will be at home with mom. Then in July both Gabe and Ellie will start at a brand new educational daycare center just opening next month. We have been at our current daycare center, Knowledge Beginnings for nearly 6 years so it is hard to make the change but we are very excited about the new school, Primrose. They seem to have great curriculum and the directors there were formerly the directors at Knowledge Beginnings so we are very comfortable with them. Still transitions are hard and this is another one. Here are some pictures of "Moms and Muffins."
Phil was left home to get the girls ready and Abby to school by 9:00 because Mass was next on the agenda for the day. On Wednesday Abby has school Mass and today was the Kindergartners week to 'plan' Mass. Abby read a petition the last time the Kindergartners lead Mass but this time she sang in the choir. I met Phil and Ellie at school for Mass. Nothing beats Kindergartners belting out Mass music!
Today marks the end of Phil's two weeks of paid paternity leave so after Mass he headed back to work. Wow - where did those two weeks go? We spent the first one traveling and the second on recovering. I will miss having Phil home. Ellie is fun but she is not much of a conversationalist yet.
I should note that Ellie slept for 11 hours last night and only got up because we had to wake her to start our busy day. We missed her afternoon nap yesterday so she fell asleep at 8:30. We were so afraid that she would be up in the night or very early in the morning. I was quite surprised when I woke up at 6:00 and had not heard from her. We finally woke her at 7:30 so she could eat before going to school with Abby. It appears that our little Ellie may be a good sleeper. YES!
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