Sunday, April 18, 2010

Deep Thoughts Friday to Two Wheel Sunday...

Another weekend come and gone so fast. I have long advocated that a four day work week and three day weekend would be more equitable but so far no one is listening to me. When I run for president perhaps I will put that in my platform!
Each week by the time Friday night rolls around we are TIRED. We plan to either eat leftovers or if there aren't enough left-overs, we get take-out because we are TIRED. We have also made Friday night family movie night because we are TIRED. I think you get the picture. This Friday our dinner conversation turned much too deep for tired parents. First, Gabe started telling us in his most dramatic Gabe voice that "when there were dinosaurs all the people were DEAD!" Smarter parents would have ignored that comment and continued to munch on left-overs, we however, are not that smart. So we proceeded to tell Gabe that people weren't around yet during the time of the dinosaurs. Then Abby says, "I am confused about something that is confusing, how does that work with Adam and Eve?" Thus began our discussion of evolutionsim versus creationism. We told her that not all the stories in the Bible literally happened the way they were written. She then became quite concerned and said, "Christmas, now that's real right?" Did I mention that we were really TIRED?!?! Friday's are for Chinese take out and animated movies not deep thoughts. Next Gabe wanted to know what a vampire is? Can I say we were pretty glad to plop them in front of a movie for a while. We had rented the movie of the musical Cats. They really seemed to enjoy it.

Saturday was a normal busy day. Groceries to buy and errands to run. Phil got some more wiring done in the basement and Abby and I planted a tree. The tree had shown up on the doorstep on Friday night...I had forgotten that I had ordered it from a mail order garden store last year - Oops. We spent the afternoon playing with some friends and having dinner together.

Sunday began with Mass and Gabe's end of the year Sunday school program. This is actually a very sad day for us as we will again have to have all 3 kids in Mass until next fall. The end of the year music program is children ages 3 to 5 doing some strange combination of sign languange and hand jive to Christian music. The kids do not know the songs and only sort of the hand gestures. Some kids stand there like deer in the headlights, some are grumpy and non-participatory and others look as if the were born for hand jive sign language. Gabe tried hard and he made up for the hand gestures he didn't know with enthusiasm. When all else failed he just lifted up his shirt!

On Sunday evening we had a bit of a breakthrough. So far, one of my greatest failings as a parent has been the fact that Abby didn't know how to ride a bike without training wheels. If you have been to our house you know that we don't have a great practice space with a gravel driveway and no sidewalk but excuses aside, teaching bike riding is one of those foremost parental responsibilities and prior to today we were failing miserably. Even the mention of bike riding today brought Abby to tears. She wanted her training wheels put back on her bike! Phil took her to the church parking lot and they practiced. Before I got there 45 minutes later she was riding like a pro. She did of course run into a Mercedees in the parking lot (leaving a small scratch) luckily the owner wasn't too angry. She also ran over her brother and his bike once but this is a small price to pay for being able to ride on TWO WHEELS! Abby did have one bad spill at the end of the night but I think she will still be willing to get back in the sadle. We got ice cream from Dairy Queen to celebrate!

Abby very proud that she can ride on TWO wheels!

Riding like a pro!

Checking Gabe out for injuries after Abby ran him over. It takes real talent to hit the only other bike rider in an empty parking lot.

Gabe enjoying riding himself even after Abby ran him over.

Ellie, was not so much into the biking.

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