Monday, May 18, 2009

A Weekend of Visitors....

We had a very nice weekend visiting with family and friends who have been anxiously awaiting their chance to meet Ellie.

On Saturday Uncle Paul (Phil's brother) and Aunt Tiffany came for a visit. They had a great time playing on the floor getting to know Ellie and spending some time with Abby and Gabe. They grilled brats for us and brought yummy dessert too. THANKS Paul and Tiffany! They even got to stay long enough to play some 500 after the kiddos were all sleeping. Yay!

Kicking back with Uncle Paul. This guy seems alright!

Is that me in your camera Aunt Tiffy? Boy I look cute today!

On Sunday evening our friends Steve and Micki came over with their four kids. All of the kids were very well behaved. You wouldn't have even known we had seven children in the house! They brought dinner and presents for Ellie and even stocked our freezer with homemade lasagna for another day. THANKS Steve and Micki!

Here is Ellie checking out Nate (Steve and Micki's youngest child). He is an older man who already knows how to walk. We are already screening him as a potential prom date so Nate was showing off his moves!

The presents are interesting. Amanda would have been happy to open them for Ellie.

But in the end she just wanted to eat the paper.

Ellie did great meeting so many new people. Allowing her to stay on familiar turf and having the new people come to her seems to work very well. Although Ellie handled her weekend well, she is exhausted. I put her to bed 12 hours ago and she is still sleeping.


  1. Does she ever NOT smile?? She is the smiling-est child I've ever seen. Glad she enjoyed all her company. Looking forward to seeing her Monday.
    Granny Patt

  2. She is SO cute!! I would love to meet her. Would you guys want to stop by my house sometime for a visit?? Call me - Robin
