Friday, February 17, 2012


Some sickness has struck the Germann household. We brought it on ourselves because we commented on not having any doctors visits or sick days. Abby was home on Wednesday not very sick. She threw up in the night and once in the morning and spent the rest of the day asking for candy and bouncing off the walls. If there hadn't been actual throwing up I would have thought she was that I mention it no one actual saw her throw up it was all on her own report.....hmmm.

Gabe is home sick today and he is actually sick. He has a high fever and strep throat and is feeling pretty punky. I told him he had to lay quietly on the sofa for 15 minutes and he didn't move for an hour and a half. When he woke his fever was quite high and he just wanted to lay around. I was sitting next to him and he was looking at his stuffed horned lizard, Spanky, and said, "It's creepy the way stuffed animals stare at humans." This is why we love Gabe. He is just too funny.

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